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VEMU, EMW & Estonian Life

❗️🇪🇪 below❗️(ENG) Hello and welcome to EstoCast, a podcast presented by Estonian Museum Canada/VEMU, Estonian Music Week and Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper. In each episode of Estocast, join us as we delve into another dimension of Estonian culture in Canada, Estonia, and elsewhere. Through discussions of books, music, art, history, science, and more, we discover what it is to be Estonian and what Estonian people have to offer the broader world. // (EST) Tere tulemast kuulama taskuhäälingut EstoCast, mida teevad ühisel jõul Väliseesti Muuseum/VEMU, Estonian Music Week ja ajaleht Eesti Elu/Estonian Life Torontos. Pakume eesti- ja ingliskeelset kuulamist kõigile, kel on tahtmist süveneda eesti kultuuri rikkusesse ja selle erinevatesse tahkudesse siin Kanadas, Eestis või mujal maailmas. Arutelud kirjanduse, muusika, kunsti, ajaloo, teaduse jm teemadel aitavad meil mõista, mida tähendab olla eestlane ja mida on eestlastel maailmale pakkuda.
Transitioning to life in Estonia with Sebastian BuccioniJune 19, 2024
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Rahvusvaheline naine - Johanna Helin June 05, 2024
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Meditating on messages and wordplay with Jarek KasarMay 22, 2024
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Exploring Cultural Diversity with Nicole PedeMay 08, 2024
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Documenting the journey to Eurovision with Alika MilovaApril 24, 2024
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Tartu EU kultuuripealinn 2024 suurejoonelisest ettevõtmisest Erni KasegaApril 10, 2024
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Considering cultural integration with Sten MahovMarch 27, 2024
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Multikultuursest maailmast - vestleme Mari EinmannigaMarch 13, 2024
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A Glimpse Into Tartu 2024 with Kati TorpFebruary 28, 2024
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Navigating in a Multicultural Society with Elva PaloFebruary 07, 2024
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Thoughts on slow travel with Hendrik TorkJanuary 24, 2024
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Kultuuririkkusest Eestis Irene KäosaaregaJanuary 10, 2024
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Pickin' on guitar and country music with Laur JoametsDecember 06, 2023
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Trennist ja tervisest - vestlus Taimo Ilvese ja Tiit Rometiga November 22, 2023
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Examining humanity and equity in music with Anneliis KitsNovember 08, 2023
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Volleyball and Values – Talking Sports and Fitness With Ruby SõrraOctober 25, 2023
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Appreciating words and the wilderness with Tarmo TuuleOctober 11, 2023
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Tartu College’i laenuraamatukogu saab 20-aastaseks! Vestleme raamatukoguhoidjate Alliki Arro ja Vaike RannugaSeptember 27, 2023
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Kohtume IronLady Krislin KämärägaSeptember 13, 2023
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Understanding e-Estonia's success story—an interview with Anett NumaAugust 30, 2023
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Bikes, boats, and paddleboards—a tour of the world with Markus PukonenAugust 16, 2023
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Past and Future Urban Planning with Eric SehrJuly 26, 2023
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Lendlevad lindid ja põrkavad pallid - rütmilisest võimlemisest Siina KasekampigaJuly 12, 2023
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Kiikame tippsportlase maailma: vestlus Aleksa GoldigaJune 14, 2023
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Musical Trust and Improvisation—an Interview With Kirke Karja TrioMay 31, 2023
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