❗️🇪🇪 below❗️(ENG) Hello and welcome to EstoCast, a podcast presented by Estonian Museum Canada/VEMU, Estonian Music Week and Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper. In each episode of Estocast, join us as we delve into another dimension of Estonian culture in Canada, Estonia, and elsewhere. Through discussions of books, music, art, history, science, and more, we discover what it is to be Estonian and what Estonian people have to offer the broader world. // (EST) Tere tulemast kuulama taskuhäälingut EstoCast, mida teevad ühisel jõul Väliseesti Muuseum/VEMU, Estonian Music Week ja ajaleht Eesti Elu/Estonian Life Torontos. Pakume eesti- ja ingliskeelset kuulamist kõigile, kel on tahtmist süveneda eesti kultuuri rikkusesse ja selle erinevatesse tahkudesse siin Kanadas, Eestis või mujal maailmas. Arutelud kirjanduse, muusika, kunsti, ajaloo, teaduse jm teemadel aitavad meil mõista, mida tähendab olla eestlane ja mida on eestlastel maailmale pakkuda.
67 episodes
From Creative Seclusion to Instrumental Unison with Katariina Tirmaste
Winning an Etnokulp award (a big wooden ladle) was a surprise for flautist and composer Katariina Tirmaste. There she was, happily singing a runo song together with the audience at the Estonian Traditional Music Center in Viljandi… when all of ...
Season 3
Episode 67
Kirjaniku hing on noor - vestlus Eerik Purjega
Vahest juhtub nii, et leiame oma tõelise kutsumuse küpses eas. Nii juhtus meie tänase külalisega, Toronto eestlasest kirjaniku Eerik Purjega. Milline on olnud 98-aastase kirjaniku elu ja mida ta arvab kirjandusest ja kirjutamisest, saate teada ...
Season 3
Episode 66

From the Easel to Bologna Children’s Book Fair with Gerda Märtens
As Gerda Märtens describes the creation of a picture book, text is at the core; but for an illustrator, there’s both expressive freedom and a sense of responsibility, considering how much space there is to work with.In this epi...
Season 3
Episode 65

Algas Eesti Raamatu Aasta! Külas on dr. Kadri Tüür
2025. aasta on kuulutatud Eesti Raamatu Aastaks - möödub 500 aastat esimese eestikeelse trükise ilmumisest. Sel puhul kutsub EstoCast külla põnevaid inimesi - lihtsalt kirglikke raamatusõpru, aga ka selle valdkonna professionaale Eestist, Ka...
Season 3
Episode 64

From Film Sets to Festivals with Karl Raudsepp Hearne
For Karl Raudsepp Hearn, visiting Estonia for the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival wasn’t just exciting because he was premiering his latest film, The G. It was also the first time he had ever been to Estonia, ever.<...
Season 3
Episode 63

Eestlus elutee kulgemistes - vestlus Elle Rosenbergiga
Head uut aastat, hea EstoCasti kuulaja! Uus aastaring toob meie stuudiosse värske külalise - Toronto eestlase Elle Rosenbergi. Aktiivse kogukonnaliikmena on Elle tegutsenud mitmetes organisatsioonides, muuhulgas juhtinud pikka aega Toronto E...
Season 3
Episode 62

From percussive singing to dolphins with Mart Avi
Singer, songwriter, and soundscape builder Mart Avi is bound to turn your head when you first hear his music. Even through the sounds alone, you can tell he has a very physical approach to music, including an almost percussive style of singi...
Season 3
Episode 61

Minna ei tahtnud, jääda ei saanud -vestlus Vilme Pedega
1944. a. suurpõgenemise 80. aastapäeva puhul kutsume stuudiosse neid, kes on pidanud ette võtma pika ja raske põgenemisteekonna. Vilme Pede oli üks nendest, kelle saatus tahtmatult niimoodi läks. Vilme on olnud pikaaegne aktiivne liige Toron...
Season 3
Episode 60

From pea soup to art in Venezuela with Mai Reet Vomm Järve
How could a bowl of soup lead a family to safety in war-torn Europe?Find out in the latest episode of EstoCast, where we met with Estonian-Canadian artist, award-winning community volunteer, and self-described people person, Mai Reet...
Season 3
Episode 59

Lapsena põgenikuteele - vestlus Hille Viiresega
1944. a. suurpõgenemise 80. aastapäeva puhul kutsume stuudiosse neid, kes on pidanud ette võtma pika ja raske põgenemisteekonna. Hille Viires on Kanada eestlaste seas laiemalt tuntud kunstnikuna. Kuid oma kodulinnas Montréalis on ta agaralt ...
Season 3
Episode 58

Estonian Life newsreel - Issue no. 40
In this bonus episode, we're bringing you the highlight stories from Eesti Elu / Estonian Life newspaper this week. Get an overview of what's happening in the Estonian world, from the art that's attracting attention in major a...

Argentine nostalgia, hematology, and photography with Peeter Põldre
Between Peeter Põldre’s family leaving Estonia at the end of WWII and settling in Canada, they spent several years in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This city became a new home for quite a few Estonians in fact.And for Peeter, who wa...
Season 3
Episode 57

A Fresh Perspective on Multiculturalism with Maiki Müürsepp
Welcome back to EstoCast, we hope you enjoyed the summer! As this is the year of multiculturalism in Estonia, we’re continuing on with that theme but there’s also another important occasion that we’re marking in our episodes here this fall -...
Season 3
Episode 56

Digging through vinyl record treasure with Ahto Külvet
For Ahto Külvet, rare vinyl records became part of his day-to-day quite naturally. It all started with a love of listening to music. Then, just as his vinyl collection became too big for his family’s apartment, an opportunity came around to ...
Season 3
Episode 55

Transitioning to life in Estonia with Sebastian Buccioni
Sebastian Buccioni, who moved from Canada to Estonia a year ago, has noted a sincerity in social interactions among several other cultural observations. Moving to Estonia connects to a long-term goal of his, and in this episode of EstoCast, ...
Season 3
Episode 53

Rahvusvaheline naine - Johanna Helin
EstoCasti studios käis külas Kanadas elav soomlanna Johanna Helin, kes kirjutab Toronto Ülikoolis doktoritööd rahvusvahelisest haridusest ja globaalsest poliitikast, aga on ka tegus ettevõtja ning aktiivne Toronto eestlaskonna liige. T...
Season 3
Episode 52

Meditating on messages and wordplay with Jarek Kasar
Jarek Kasar is an innovator in Estonian music, not only having created his own approach to hip hop in the Estonian language but also combining this with singing over the years.Prior to his recent concerts in Toronto, he shared ...
Season 3
Episode 51

Exploring Cultural Diversity with Nicole Pede
Having a culturally diverse background has a truly positive and often eye-opening effect on your life, the world, and to the people that surround you daily. Young Estonian-Canadian Nicole Pede is visiting our studio, where we get into a disc...
Season 3
Episode 50

Documenting the journey to Eurovision with Alika Milova
Singing, songwriting, and performing are things that have always felt natural to ALIKA. Music has always been there in her life. Audiences could tell this right away when she recently performed in Canada. But the path to singing for millions...
Season 3
Episode 49

Tartu EU kultuuripealinn 2024 suurejoonelisest ettevõtmisest Erni Kasega
2024 on Tartu koos Lõuna-Eestiga Euroopa kultuuripealinn. Aasta vältel toimub suur hulk suuremaid ja väiksemaid üritusi ning aktsioone, mida seob teema "Ellujäämise kunstid". Meie järjekordses Tartu 2024 eri-saates vestleme Tartu 2024 väliss...
Season 3
Episode 48

Considering cultural integration with Sten Mahov
Over the course of the year that journalist Sten Mahov has lived in Montréal, he’s faced certain challenges in getting set up. For example, finding work and a place to live. However, he has also observed that Canada is a fruitful place for t...
Season 3
Episode 47

A Glimpse Into Tartu 2024 with Kati Torp
There’s much, much more to see in Estonia than just the Old Town of Tallinn!Kati Torp, the Artistic Director of @tartu2024 , can share many reasons why Tartu and southern Estonia (a European Capital of Culture in 2024) should b...
Season 3
Episode 45

Navigating in a Multicultural Society with Elva Palo
In a culturally diverse country such as Canada, we are blessed with having multiple cultures intermingle and work together, but it can also be hard to make your own cultural background stand out in this whole hodgepodge. Latvian-Estonian Elv...
Season 3
Episode 44

Thoughts on slow travel with Hendrik Tork
Human geography specialist and world traveller Hendrik Tork has visited 60 different countries, but he makes it clear when talking about travelling that his aim hasn’t been to merely pass through as many nations as possible.Rat...
Season 3
Episode 43

Kultuuririkkusest Eestis Irene Käosaarega
EstoCast tervitab uue aasta puhul kõiki meie kuulajaid üle laia ilma! Algav 2024. aasta on kuulutatud Eesti kultuuriministeerium poolt kultuuririkkuse aastaks ning see on üks neist teemadest, mida hakkame uuel hooajal käsitlema. Uue aasta es...
Season 3
Episode 42