❗️🇪🇪 below❗️(ENG) Hello and welcome to EstoCast, a podcast presented by Estonian Museum Canada/VEMU, Estonian Music Week and Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper. In each episode of Estocast, join us as we delve into another dimension of Estonian culture in Canada, Estonia, and elsewhere. Through discussions of books, music, art, history, science, and more, we discover what it is to be Estonian and what Estonian people have to offer the broader world. // (EST) Tere tulemast kuulama taskuhäälingut EstoCast, mida teevad ühisel jõul Väliseesti Muuseum/VEMU, Estonian Music Week ja ajaleht Eesti Elu/Estonian Life Torontos. Pakume eesti- ja ingliskeelset kuulamist kõigile, kel on tahtmist süveneda eesti kultuuri rikkusesse ja selle erinevatesse tahkudesse siin Kanadas, Eestis või mujal maailmas. Arutelud kirjanduse, muusika, kunsti, ajaloo, teaduse jm teemadel aitavad meil mõista, mida tähendab olla eestlane ja mida on eestlastel maailmale pakkuda.
Estonian Life newsreel - Issue no. 40
VEMU, EMW & Estonian Life
In this bonus episode, we're bringing you the highlight stories from Eesti Elu / Estonian Life newspaper this week. Get an overview of what's happening in the Estonian world, from the art that's attracting attention in major auction houses to new activities with Estonian scouts and guides in Canada.
(Image: "Rooma" [Rome] by painter Konrad Mägi)
➡️ @estonianmusicweek
➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca
➡️ @eestielu.ca
➡️ @vemu.emc