From the Easel to Bologna Children’s Book Fair with Gerda Märtens
As Gerda Märtens describes the creation of a picture book, text is at the core; but for an illustrator, there’s both expressive freedom and a sense of responsibility, considering how much space there is to work with.
In this episode, she’s sharing more about what goes into the making of a book. Learn about:
🎨 the essential, foundational things we all gain from children’s literature
🎨 how Italy has influenced her work as an illustrator and author in a major way
🎨 Estonia’s role as a guest of honour at this year’s Bologna Children’s Book Fair
🎨 and much more!
Things mentioned in this episode include:
-the Year of the Estonian Book: https://raamatuaasta.ee/en
-Hädaoru kuningas (King of the Valley of Woes): https://www.apollo.ee/hadaoru-kuningas.html
-La Creazione (The Creation): https://www.amazon.ca/creazione-poster-Dino-Buzzati/dp/8896806046
-Minu Linn (My City): https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57756925-minu-linn
-the article in Eesti Elu about Virmalised (The Northern Lights): https://eestielu.ca/kids-corner-virmalised-the-northern-lights-by-gerda-martens/
-a video of Märtens making an illustration for the book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1DstNExi98
-Bologna Children’s Book Fair: https://www.bolognachildrensbookfair.com/en/home/878.html
-More about climate anxiety: https://sustainability.yale.edu/explainers/yale-experts-explain-climate-anxiety
-Basel, Switzerland: https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ca/destinations/basel/
-Gerda Märten’s Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/gerdam/?hl=en
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